Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Haircut

I brought James for a well overdue "first haircut" today. Ray was great with him - he has a special little chair that sits on top of the regular chair. James was great too - I think he was rather confused by what was going on and just sat there patiently. Here are some pics:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ski Trip & Update

James had his 18 month check up yesterday. He's doing well and now weighs 24 lbs 12 oz (35th percentile) and is about 33" tall (70th percentile). The pediatrician also commented on his verbal skills and says he's about 6 months ahead of average! We got back on Monday from our annual ski trip - no skiing for James but a good time had by all. Here are a few pics:

This is James taking a nap with Matt before we flew home.

Walking in the snow to get some coffee for mommy!

Playing with the cans of Coors that we had to buy to get 2 for 1 lift tickets!