Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall 2009

It was a beautiful day in New York today - perfect Autumn weather. Here are a few pics of James in the park after we had brunch at the Indian Road Cafe.

Friday, October 16, 2009

October Videos

This one is for Sandra - I swear he was just walking around pulling it before I got the camera out and then he started getting creative!

For those who haven't seen James lately, he's talking a lot! He repeats everything and knows lots of words. As seen in this video, which I took just before bedtime, he can count to 4! Not that he knows what it means but he knows that when I say one, he says two, etc.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Our trip to Montauk in September

Mike did the Mighty Hamptons triathlon a few weeks ago. We stayed in Montauk for the weekend and introduced James to the Atlantic ocean. Here are a few pics and a little video of him.